What is a cannabis social club?

What is a cannabis social club?

A cannabis social club is a Non-Profit Private Members Club where one is allowed to consume and obtain Cannabis freely. These Social Clubs are strictly regulated and licensed by the Spanish government. One can only become a member of such a Social Club if you are invited by at least one other member. On average the membership of a Social Club costs between 15€-40€ per year.
Since these Social Club’s are considered as a communal space, they are not allowed to be called a coffeeshop. Yes you can buy weed inside the Cannabis Club but generally speaking it is considered your share of the Club. When entering a Social Club, you can deposit your desired amount of money at the reception and inside the club you can obtain your desired Cannabis worth the amount that you deposited earlier.

Cannabis clubs or as they are commonly called in Spain Associations — Las Asociaciones de Cannabis or Cannabis Social Clubs are non-profit, social and recreational organizations where marijuana is grown with a donation to be shared and consumed strictly among the members.
The only access to the club are members: these are organizations private and closed to other people. Membership is granted: only if you are sponsored by an existing member of the association or endorsed by the club itself.
That means you can’t just walk in off the street without an invitation — you’ll be rejected. This is an important difference between Spanish cannabis clubs and the public coffeeshops in Amsterdam.